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Amy Beard MD Blog | Page 3 of 3 | Amy Beard MD

US Healthcare is Sick

I find it strange that doctors are not included in the discussions about healthcare policy, or at least not in the numbers that are needed to make real beneficial changes. Probably because the changes would benefit the patient and not the insurance and pharmaceutical...

Which Rice is the Healthiest?

Which Rice is the Healthiest? Out of brown, red, black, and white, which rice do you think is the healthiest? As usual, the answer is “it depends”. Most cultures eat white rice, which has had the bran and germ removed. The only culture that frequently eats...

Your Health Care Provider Versus a Mechanic

Who should get more time to solve a chronic problem, a mechanic or a doctor? A mechanic is allowed the opportunity to investigate the cause of a car’s problems. The mechanic is allowed and expected to ask the car owner questions, connect the vehicle to a...