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Optimal Detox Support with Biofilm Balance


Optimal Detox Support is a full-spectrum, bioavailable source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals to support your body’s natural detox pathways.

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What makes our Detox formula so unique?

  • A full-spectrum, bioavailable source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals to support phase one and phase two detox pathways.
  • A multifaceted approach for biofilm removal. Biofilms can harbor toxins and pathogens that can contribute to recurring illnesses. 
  • 3rd party tested to ensure quality and potency.
  • Free of soy, gluten, dairy, egg, artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

I recommend everyone should detox 2-4 times a year depending on your toxin exposures from your diet, home and work environment. 

  • We live in a toxic world. Our bodies are designed to remove toxins naturally but our detox processes can be much more efficient with therapeutic support.
  • Combining our detox formula and our multivitamin along with increased bile production (from bitters or olive oil), increased urination and bowel movements (from water consumption and magnesium) and causing your body to sweat (from saunas or exercise), is an extremely effective way to mitigate the effects of toxin exposures from the modern world.
  • The inability to lose weight can often be associated with toxic burden and its downstream effects on your body.

I’ve made sure this product is top quality.

  • I have vetted the company to custom manufacture this product for us.
  • Our products are 3rd party tested ensuring quality, purity and potency.
  • There are no artificial colors or sweeteners and minimal filler. 

Everyday our bodies encounter toxins and work hard to eliminate them.

Our bodies are exposed to more and more chemicals and toxins every year. Fifty thousand new chemicals have been introduced into our environment in the last 60 years. Optimal nutrient status plus our Detox formula gives your body what is needed to deal with this toxic onslaught. 

The Optimal Detox Support With Biofilm Balance is perfect for anyone who:

  • Has used conventional cleaning and beauty products and wants to support the body’s detox pathways.
  • Works in a high toxin exposure job such as mechanics, farmers, construction workers or salon workers.
  • Works or lives in a poor air quality environment.
  • Has had repeated recurrent infections or illnesses that were not effectively treated by antibiotics.
  • Has stubborn weight gain or difficulty losing weight.


Suggested Use: 14 capsules per day divided up with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10 days, or as recommended by your health care professional.

Contents: 140 capsules

DOES NOT CONTAIN: Gluten, dairy, soy, egg, artificial flavors or sweeteners.

Cautions: If you are pregnant of nursing, consult your health care professional before taking this product.