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Could not be more pleased: Hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, brain fog, hair loss → to increased energy, reduction of bloating and excess weight, minimal congestion, and decreased headaches!

For quite some time I have been struggling to live as fully as I once did due to Hypothyroidism and overall hormonal imbalance. Instead I was constantly seeking relief from fatigue, brain fog,  and hair loss. I am 40 years young, nowhere close to being ok with any of the above symptoms.

After recently receiving my thyroid lab panel followed by instruction to increase my medication, yet again, I knew it was time to make some significant lifestyle changes. Healing my gut and identifying the foods that could be contributing to the inflammation in my body was step number one.

In only 2.5 short weeks I am impressed with the increase in energy I have, the reduction of bloating/excess weight, the minimal congestion and mucous I normally suffer from each morning, and the decrease in headaches I generally live with monthly when my hormones levels fluctuate.

I could not be more pleased with Amy’s Total Gut Job program thus far. From the affordability to the supplements that help support the body throughout the process, the virtual community, and the detailed instruction given remotely, it made it extremely simple for me to move forward in this process and experience the results I have been longing for quite some time. I look forward to the continued results my body will experience in the remainder of this process. Thank you to the Amy Beard Team for all you do and all the healing you provide to so many.

Total Gut Job Participant