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Resolved itchy, swelling, redness on lips; More awareness of the effects of my diet

“I had a really good experience with functional medicine. I was having some issues with itchiness, swelling, and redness on my lips, and it had been misdiagnosed as HSV-1 in the past, but I had never had success treating it this way. After meeting with Hannah Tikson, I did the total gut job elimination diet, and during the initial 30 days of this diet, I didn’t have the issues with my lips, which had been very common before. I realized with some external allergy testing as well as introducing foods back into my diet that there were a few foods that could cause the problems with my lips. Even outside of the lip problem that I started the diet for, I also became much more aware of the cause and effect between what I ate and how I felt. I noticed certain foods in larger quantities could cause minor stomach pains or slight acne issues. I learned to pay more attention to the effects of the food I was eating and to invest in higher quality food with limited additives. The gut job program also helped me to eat healthier by making me pay more attention to my food and the nutrients I need, and I realized I felt better overall by making a healthy diet a priority. In addition to diet, meetings with Hannah Tikson included discussions of exercise, stress, sleep, and more. The holistic approach to discussing health was really helpful for me to make sure I consider different aspects of my well being.”

Functional Medicine Client