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Paul's Hummus

Prep Time2 minutes
Cook Time4 minutes
Total Time3 minutes


  • 1 Vitamix blender


  • 2 cans organic chickpeas (3 cups if using cooked chickpeas) Garbanzo and Chickpeas are the same thing
  • 1 large lemon- squeezed, juice only
  • 1/2 clove garlic- very finely minced
  • 4 tbsp tahini (less if you don’t like it slightly bitter) (less if you don’t like it slightly bitter)
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup cold-pressed olive oil
  • filtered water just enough to blend to your thinness preference
  • 1/4 tsp cumin if desired
  • paprkia and chopped parsley for topping


  • Rinse the beans well using a colander and water.
  • Combine everything in a blender or food processor and blend until creamy and smooth.
  • Check your hummus and see if it is the consistency you like. You can add more water if needed to thin it out to your preference.
  • Serve in a bowl. Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil, several shakes of paprika (not the smoked type) and some sprinkles of chopped parsley.
  • Serve with chopped vegetables- carrot sticks, cucumber slices, red bell pepper slices, broccoli or cauliflower.


The quality of your ingredients makes a huge difference.
You want your olive oil to be cold-pressed and in a green-tinted glass bottle. 
You can use any type of bean. Mix and match. Great Northern beans work well with chickpeas to make it even more creamy Even black beans can work.
I like to add a little bit of cumin. It is a strong spice, so experiment with it. It is not traditional, but we like it in ours. Sometimes I add Marinated Artichokes as well.
Your tahini should only be made of ground-up sesame seeds. Check the label.
If I don't have Tahini, sometimes, I will use walnuts or pecans and blend them finely into the hummus.
We used iodized sea salt.
If using a Vitamix for the recipe, beware that you might need less garlic since it blends it so fine it increases the garlic flavor.